A FFO and stuff

I actually finished a thing:
Jumbled Summer by Pine Mountain Designs. It comes as a finished pillow cover with the stitchable panel; I couldn't find a pillow form of the correct size, and the one I'm using for now is a bit big, but I still think it turned out pretty cute. I don't have a lot of summery things stitched, so that was my motivation for finishing this one!

And a couple of curiosities:
This is an Eight-spotted Forester moth. I found it on my front porch and moved it to my lilac bush to snap a picture. I love it's feathery orange leg accessories!

And finally, here is a piece of driftwood that looks like a hand. 😀
Found during my last business trip, on the shore around Puget Sound. Ironically, I found it right next to an historical site of an old lumber mill, where there was an informational sign that talked about how often people would lose fingers and hands while working the huge saws...


Katie said…
Great finish. Love the bright colors in the pillow. The moth is beautiful. The hand is kind of creepy but too neat to find.
Amy, your summer pillow is lovely. What a cool find of the hand/arm-shaped driftwood. Enjoy your week!
Julie said…
Fabulous driftwood, how cool is that!
Stunning pillow finish.
Lovely finish. I think it looks great with the smaller pillow!